Thursday, April 05, 2012

On Recent Conservative Blunders and a good week for the Liberal Party

So, in the last week the Harper Gover...nope, can't do it...the deceitful big C Conservatives have taken two massive missteps. And after all the bad press over Robogate, these blunders couldn't have come at a worse time.
First of all, it was leaked recently, by Conservative government offices no less, that the F-35 the federal government want to purchase will cost 10 billion more dollars than they claim they were led to believe. This claim is obviously nonsense, as many experts warned the government that they were grossly underestimating the lifetime cost of these high-flying war machines and it is clear now that Harper's numbers were just part of their election strategy before winning a majority government last May. Man, even the Auditor-General is saying Harper's people knew they were lying and misleading the country. Who would have thought that the Prime Minister of all people could tightly control and manipulate information and lie outright to the people of Canada just to win his precious majority in the House of Commons?

Well, the previously spineless Liberals are actually ready to act and are raking Harper over the coals for this outrage. Interim leader Bob Rae is showing surprising testicular fortitude and is calling for the Prime Minister's head...I mean resignation, stating that a CEO of a business would be forced to resign if he misled his company and cost them $10 billion more than they bargained for. Video of Rae's speech is below.

Bob Rae calls for Stephen Harper to resign

The other mistake was talking a big game and then not being able to deliver. Conservative Senator Patrick Brazeau talked smack about Liberal MP Justin Trudeau, who is of course the son of famed Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau, and agreed to a boxing match against the young Liberal for charity. Well, the fight was on March 31st and was carried on Sun News, a show claiming to be legitimate news but in reality is nothing more than a conservative-slanted sounding board. That was evident throughout the fight, as Trudeau was called "Justine" and "Shiny Pony" throughout the fight until he KO'ed Brazeau in the second round! The Sunshine Boys didn't expect or like the outcome so much and I couldn't help but have a huge smile on my face watching Justin Trudeau take apart Senator Brazeau. Video of the Sun News fight coverage is below.
Liberal MP Justin Trudeau knocks out Conservative Senator Patrick Brazeau

So, the Liberal party scored 2 victories this week: one in parliament and one in the squared circle. Hopefully the NDP and John Q. Public will join in the call for Harper's head and I am keeping my fingers crossed that the Tories get knocked out just as hard in the next federal election. Keep it up boys, you are making the Federal Conservative Party and all their minions look goooooooooood!!


  1. Read this sir,

    1. Hmm...will have to read this in depth and maybe it will be the subject of a new post soon. You have given me a lot to think about...
