Rob Ford opened his mouth on live radio a few short hours ago, and what he had to say was nothing short of flabbergasting. Apparently, Josh Matlow, Adam Vaughn and other centre and left-leaning councilors are "two steps left of Joseph Stalin." You can read the Toronto Star article about this at the link below.
Ford was angry because most members of city council didn't support Ford's budget cuts last week and didn't want to get rid of the land transfer tax. So that makes them comparable to a man who killed millions and let millions of others starve and/or suffer? Makes perfect logical sense to me. PERFECT. This is not the dignified behaviour people expect from this city's chief of staff. Sure, Vaughn et. al. are champions of some "communist" ideas like working together to build a better society, but it doesn't make them murderous dictators. It makes them wise and good humanists.
Rob Ford is mayor of Toronto and is supposed to represent the 5 million people that live here. Comments like that make me want to distance myself from him as much as possible. Just because he was defeated in an attempt to remove a tax that brings in millions of dollars for the city whilst not costing a heck of a lot to any individual doesn't give him justification to a temper tantrum. And it gives him no right to make inflammatory, defamatory remarks about fellow politicans. He owes those councilors and the city of Toronto a huge apology and should think before he opens his mouth next. He's just upset because people see through him and his inane ideas.
Well, Mr. Mayor, there aren't many people in this great metropolis that would shed a tear if you took your ball and went home.
I for one am glad that Mayor Ford made these comments and hope that he will continue to keep speaking without thinking as come election time he will be held accountable for all of his actions and tried by a jury of 5 million Torontonians.